Associate Professor
Academic Area:
Phone Number:
(919) 660 1974
Teaching / Research Interests
Elia Ferracuti is an Associate Professor in the Accounting area. His research interests lie in the intersection between managerial accounting and other disciplines such as financial accounting, corporate finance, and economics, with a focus on how managerial accounting can be used to mitigate the problems created by information asymmetry and information uncertainty. Professor Ferracuti teaches managerial accounting.
Mailing Information
Duke University: The Fuqua School of Business
100 Fuqua Drive
Durham, NC 27708
Elia Ferracuti is an associate professor in the accounting area at The Fuqua School of Business. Professor Ferracuti’s research interests lie in the intersection between managerial accounting and financial accounting, corporate finance, and economics, with a focus on how managerial accounting can be used to mitigate the problems created by information asymmetry and information uncertainty. Professor Ferracuti teaches managerial accounting in the daytime MBA program.