Registration for Non-Fuqua Students
Registration for Non-Fuqua Students
Non-Fuqua Students
Anyone who is a full-time graduate student in a degree granting program at Duke, UNC, NC State, or NC Central is eligible to take a course at Fuqua. Duke University is a community of scholars and learners, committed to the principles of honesty, trustworthiness, fairness, and respect for others. Students share with faculty and staff the responsibility for promoting a climate of integrity as stated in The Fuqua School of Business Honor Code.
Duke (non-Fuqua) Graduate Student Enrollment
Daytime MBA courses: Duke graduate students (who are not already enrolled at Fuqua) must request enrollment in a Fuqua Daytime MBA course by completing the Duke Graduate Student MBA Course Permission Form and submitting it to their home department/school for processing.
MMS courses: Non-Fuqua/Duke graduate students who wish to request enrollment in a Fuqua MMS course must complete a Duke Graduate Student MMS Course Permission Form and submit it to the MMS Program Office in Fuqua's West Wing Office W216.
Inter-Institutional Student Enrollment
UNC, NC State, and NC Central students must submit the Inter-Institutional Form to enroll in Fuqua Daytime MBA and MMS courses. Students should also consult the registrar’s office at their home institution and follow the Inter-Institutional Guidelines. Registration in Executive MBA courses is not permitted.
Official registration for non-Fuqua students takes place the day following the Fuqua drop/add period on a space available basis.
Before registering for Fuqua courses, consider the information below:
- Fuqua is on a term system with two 6-week terms per semester. Classes meet for 2 hours and 15 minutes Monday and Thursday, or Tuesday and Friday. Please check DukeHub for class times and rooms.
- The intense schedule outlined above makes it difficult to miss even a single class without falling behind.
- Students within a class form teams. There are often outside projects and assignments accomplished through teamwork. Our students communicate by email. If you take a course at Fuqua you will need an email account and Fuqua LogOn ID (it should be the same as your NetID).
- Class participation is a significant portion of the grade in many courses.
- We recommend that you sit in on the first class even though you have not yet been formally added to the course. Then, if there is space available and your request is approved, you will not be behind. Check DukeHub for seat availability information.
Spring 2025 Registration Dates
Monday, December 2, 2024
Duke Graduate Student Course Permission Form(s) or Inter-Institutional Form(s), with Fuqua faculty approval, must be submitted to your home department/school by 5:00 pm.
Thursday, January 16, 2025
First day of classes for Spring 1. Be prepared to attend the first day of class, even if your enrollment has not been finalized.
Saturday, January 18, 2025
Spring 1 Drop/Add ends for Fuqua Students at 11:59 pm.
Sunday, January 19, 2025
If seats remain available after drop/add ends, Non-Fuqua students who are on the waitlist will automatically enroll into Spring 1 courses.
You will not enroll into the Fuqua class from the waitlist if you have any type of registration block or time conflict.
Monday, March 17, 2025
First day of classes for Spring 2. Be prepared to attend the first day of class, even if your enrollment has not been finalized.
Tuesday, March 18, 2025
Spring 2 Drop/Add ends for Fuqua Students at 11:59 pm.
Wednesday, March 19, 2025
If seats remain available after drop/add ends, Non-Fuqua students who are on the waitlist will automatically enroll into Spring 2 courses.
You will not enroll into the Fuqua class from the waitlist if you have any type of registration block or time conflict.