Jake Naso

 Jake Naso

MMS: Foundations of Business

Class of 2025
Citizenship: United States
Work Industry: Media/Entertainment
Region: South
Career Interest: Consulting | Medical Device Sales | Sports Management | Sports Marketing

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Originally from Long Island, New York, although my family currently resides in Six Mile, South Carolina. I attended Duke for my Undergraduate Bachelor's Degree in Political Science while I was a part of the Men's Lacrosse team as well. I couldn't get enough, so here I am a part of #TeamFuqua. I am all about Duke and the Durham community. I know Durham like the back of my hand after being here for 4 years, going on 5. One thing I certainly enjoy is building relationships and connecting with people that have different backgrounds than I do. As an Admissions Ambassador, I look forward to hearing about you, connecting with you, and helping you in your journey.