Employers can choose to host on-campus, off-campus, or virtual interviews.

Interviews conducted on-campus allow employers and candidates to establish an authentic and personal connection, evaluating technical proficiency and cultural alignment within your organization. Virtual interviews allow enhanced accessibility, efficiency, and scheduling flexibility, and may optimize your team’s time and resources.

Whether opting for on-campus, off-campus, or virtual interviews, your industry Account Manager will help facilitate the process seamlessly:

  • Industry Account Managers will work with you to schedule an interview date. Interviews are tailored to the employer’s schedule preferences. Refer to “Helpful Hints & Best Practices: Interviews” (below) for sample interview templates.
  • For specific interview period deadlines, refer to the "2024-2025 Campus Interview Timeline" (below). 
  • Campus interviews are conducted at Duke's Fuqua School of Business in specially designated interview rooms of the Career Management Center.
  • Pre-term campus interview requests must be submitted by December 3, 2024. Refer to Fuqua's Recruiting Calendar & Policies for additional information. 
  • Interviews are scheduled through Fuqua's CareerBridge.

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  • Interview Timing:
    • Full-time interviews are traditionally conducted in the fall, beginning in October.
    • Internship interviews begin in January.
    • Interviews can continue for both full-time and intern positions throughout the spring semester except for academic breaks and final exams. Refer to Fuqua’s Recruiting Calendar for more information.
  • Recruiters are encouraged to share the dates of on-site second-round interviews or sell events with their industry Account Manager. Typically, this information is shared as an "FYI" in CareerBridge for student planning purposes. 
  • Campus printing capabilities are limited on the day of interviews. Please send any materials that need to be printed, two days in advance, to your industry Account Manager.
  • It is important that both the employer and student communicate openly throughout the interview, offer, and evaluation processes. All companies should establish and maintain, at most, a four-week window of communication with candidates throughout the process.
    • For example, if your interview was held February 13, please send a follow-up communication no later than March 13, even if the message simply states your process is continuing and that candidates will be notified by an approximate date.
    • All candidates not selected for further consideration should receive notification of their final status once the selection process has concluded.
  • For reference, several sample interview templates are enclosed:
    • Standard interview (1 room): 9:00am-4:00pm, 30-minute interview slots (Total Interviews: 11)

      Scroll horizontally to see the rest of the table.

      9:00-9:30am Interview #1
      9:30-10:00am Interview #2
      10:00-10:30am Interview #3
      10:30-10:45am Break
      10:45-11:15am Interview #4
      11:15-11:45am Interview #5
      11:45-12:15pm Interview #6
      12:15-1:15pm Lunch
      1:15-1:45pm Interview #7
      1:45-2:15pm Interview #8
      2:15-2:45pm Interview #9
      2:45-3:00pm Break
      3:00-3:30pm Interview #10
      3:30-4:00pm Interview #11


    • Standard interview (1 room): 9:00am-4:30pm, 45-minute interview slots (Total Interviews: 8)

      Scroll horizontally to see the rest of the table.

      9:00-9:45am Interview #1
      9:45-10:30am Interview #2
      10:30-10:45am Break
      10:45-11:30am Interview #3
      11:30-12:15pm Interview #4
      12:15-1:15am Lunch
      1:15-2:00pm Interview #5
      2:00-2:45pm Interview #6
      2:45-3:00pm Break
      3:00-3:45pm Interview #7
      3:45-4:30pm Interview #8


    • Rotational interview (2 rooms): 9:00-4:30pm, 60-minute interview slots (Total Interviews: 12)

      Scroll horizontally to see the rest of the table.

      Interview Slot Rotation Timeslots Interview Room #1 Interview Room #2
      9:00-10:00am 9:00-9:30am Student (1) Student (2)
      9:30-10:00am Student (2) Student (1)
      10:00-11:00am 10:00-10:30am Student (3) Student (4)
      10:30-11:00am Student (4) Student (3)
      11:00-11:15am Break
      11:15-12:15pm 11:15-11:45am Student (5) Student (6)
      11:45-12:15pm Student (6) Student (5)
      12:15-1:15pm Lunch
      1:15-2:15pm 1:15-1:45pm Student (7) Student (8)
      1:45-2:15pm Student (8) Student (7)
      2:15-3:15pm 2:15-2:45pm Student (9) Student (10)
      2:45-3:15pm Student (10) Student (9)
      3:15-3:30pm Break
      3:30-4:30pm 3:30-4:00pm Student (11) Student (12)
      4:00-4:30pm Student (12) Student (11)


  • On the interview day:
    • Printed schedules and resumes will be available at the 4th floor desk. Review the final interview schedule as changes may have occurred.
    • Invite students back to the interview room at the interview start time. Students wait in the lobby until called by the interviewer.