"Giving Back" is Woven into Fuqua's Fabric
Fuquans strive to create value in the world, not merely extract it—an ideal that drives many of you to give your time and talent back to Fuqua. Many thanks to those who give back in so many meaningful ways—by taking on class leadership roles, participating on alumni advisory boards, and working with admissions and prospective students. We appreciate all you do!
Thank You To Fuqua's Alumni, Volunteers, and Donors
As we reflect on the past year, we celebrate Fuqua's alumni, volunteers, and donors. Your engagement and support has ensured Fuqua's success. Please enjoy a video of thanks for your dedication in sustaining Fuqua!
Ask a Blue Devil
Join the Blue Crew
The Blue Crew is a group of social media ambassadors that share exclusive Duke news first, spread Duke pride on social, and more! Sign up, check your email for Blue Crew posts, share on your favorite social media platforms, and earn points to win Duke prizes!
For Your Class
With your help, your classmates stay connected to the school and with each other. You can help strengthen your class' bond and Fuqua's in a number of ways.
In Your Region
Get involved by organizing events for alumni in your region. This is a great opportunity to connect with fellow alumni and the university.
On Alumni Boards
Alumni serve as trusted advisors to Fuqua as members of a number of different boards.
For Admissions
Some of our best students are referred or recommended by alumni, and many undecided applicants have chosen Fuqua based on positive interactions with Fuqua alumni representatives.
Volunteer Recognition
For over 30 years, Fuqua has been recognizing alumni for their contributions. Fuqua alumni awards are presented each spring and celebrate the accomplishments of those who make an impact on the Fuqua community and the world at large.